adHOME took a look recently at an insightful film that implores you to think of ways you can improve the way you live, individually and in your communities. Tom Shadyac, popular filmmaker of several successful movies and director of this attention-grabbing documentary called I am, poses the question: What is wrong with the world, and what can we do about it?
After a severe bicycle accident that left Tom in a deep depression, he spent quite some time in a state of self-reflection. He touches on many subjects, including “the nature of humanity”, “the world’s ever-growing addiction to materialism”, and “human connections”. Following his accident he stepped back into life with a new sense of purpose, determined to teach others of the sickness that is consumerism and excess that once riddled his life with toxicity.
Shadyac’s work is typically comedic in nature. Some of his more popular films include Ace Ventura, Liar Liar and the Nutty Professor. Contrastingly, in this film Shadyac steps in front of the camera to recount the accident and the transformation he faced.
The film is very moving – something worth watching when you’re perplexed with personal matters in your life. It points to a new perspective: What you can do to make a difference in what seems to be a world where you make very little impact? Watch the full documentary here.
At adHOME, we contribute through our Blue Door initiative program by taking on fulfilling projects that allow us to give back to the community that we live in. So what can you do to make a difference?
Start with your family: Most people think that to make a difference, you have to go overseas and help build schools for the less fortunate, but it’s so easy to start at home with those closest to you. Do you have a relative who can’t pay for their child’s school trip? Do you have an elderly aunt who needs help tending to her garden? Seemingly small and meaningless acts equate to a lot more in the eye’s of the person you’re helping. Compassion is for more than just strangers.
Help someone reach a goal they set for themselves: We all know from experience how easy it is to fall off the track when it comes to our own goals – so why not go the extra mile to help a friend achieve theirs? You will feel a sense of responsibility in helping them, and in turn, they will never forget your kind words and motivation to help them move forward in a positive direction.
Tutor a child: Even though summer is fast approaching, there are many kids who will need extra help through summer school or in homework assist programs. Tutoring a child will truly make you feel like you’re impacting someone’s life by helping him or her directly.
Plant trees! Trees are so important to our quality of life environmentally and economically. There are many organizations that are dedicated to educating people about the importance of trees, and how to plant and care for them. If you’re interested in enhancing environmental heath through trees, check out ReForest London, a non-profit organization actively searching for volunteers to help them in their vision of keeping London the Forest City.
What are you doing to make the world a better place? We’d love to hear from you!