Like many people, I often think of the music industry as a maze of creativity. A puzzle of melodies, beats and notes. A way of life that feeds your heart and soul. But I never really think about its mortality – is the music industry declining? Is creativity dying off?
We discussed this potential phenomenon this week at our breakfast club, evaluated some current songs, artists and came to the conclusion that this cannot be true, but there has definitely been a shift.
With the advent of the computer, and access to technology, the music industry is definitely changing. It has become easier to be a closet folk singer, an expert in pop, and even a Justin Bieber, all from your home. But this has forced the music industry to adapt and branch out to other forms of music, other styles, and adapt some cross-genre artists.
The qualities discussed in our office today, relating to current good music, included talent that is new, such as Bernhoft – Choices or the incredible talent seen in Alabama Shakes – Sound & Colour (touted today as a talent similar to Led Zeppelin). In artists such as this, you can hear many new noises and new technology used to create music that can really speak to the listener.
Unfortunately, we cannot all be musicians, but here at adHOME we do have many talented creative people. They all contribute to our successes, bright ideas and our ever-growing portfolio. Creativity is not dead, and if you think so, you haven’t met us yet.