Last spring, Facebook bought Oculus Rift to acquire their Virtual Reality technology and it’s expected that Facebook will bring consumer level VR displays to market next spring. It shouldn’t be long before VR headsets are as ubiquitous as the Xbox. Additionally, YouTube has recently allowed for 360 degree content to be uploaded to their site which gives viewers the ability to “click and drag” on the screen to have a full 360 experience.
These recent events and more have been the catalyst for adHOME’s decision to adopt VR and 360 degree technology to capitalize on this exploding market.
Under the shiftVR brand, adHOME produces 360-degree virtual reality content using a 10-camera capture system. We recently filmed and created a 360 degree/virtual reality experience that brings “Ripley’s Dangerous Lagoons” underwater shark aquarium to frightening real life. In less then a month, this video has garnered over 5000 views on YouTube.
The partnership between virtual reality technology and advertising is a natural one. Creating a 360-degree experience for a brand allows viewers to feel part of the experience – it’s the evolution of online communications. Each user can have a totally different viewing experience than the next, and the video creates an amazing platform for storytelling and conversation.
To learn more about our 360 video services and to see some samples, check out our products page!