Life as a student can be a crazy combination of late nights, early classes, lots of work, even more fun, and many carefree summers filled with adventure. Although the long summer breaks have long since passed for many adHOMEr’s, we have been reunited with the spirit of student life through some of our recent projects. Particularly, with the Student Life website that was designed and built by adHOME for the University of Toronto.
The Student Life website launched in August and connects current students with many of the university departments, groups and programs available across the St. George Campus. With everything from Clubs and Leadership Development to Parents and Family, this website is loaded with relevant information for the inquiring mind.
“The website design is fun and functional. Students attending the university can quickly access what they need,” says adHOME partner, Mark Brown. “We created a very visual and interactive web design while maintaining the high level of accessibility (AODA) compliance required.”
adHOME has been working on a number of additional projects for the University of Toronto including the 2015/2016 Viewbook and International Viewbook, and new webspaces for Undergrad Recruitment, Student Life HealthyU and Victoria College.